What's the best way to ask for a meeting time slot?

Find out the best way to ask for a meeting time slot that works for everyone. Learn top strategies for requesting a meeting time and improving your chances of a successful scheduling outcome.

Asking for a meeting time slot can be tricky, especially when it involves coordinating with multiple clients or team members. There are several methods you can use but each has its pros and cons.

One way is to send an email with a few options of your available time slots and ask the client to check their availability, then let you know. However, this method can be time-consuming due to the back-and-forth involved.

Alternatively, you can call someone and ask for their most convenient time and then schedule the meeting, but this method has its disadvantages. The other person might not have their schedule on-hand, and you may have to make several calls until you find the perfect time.

Another method is to create an online poll and ask attendees to vote for the easiest time. This is suitable when there are multiple attendees and honestly best when everyone knows one another.

So what's the best way to do it? Checking the client's calendar and their availability, booking a meeting, then sending a meeting invite is the best method to ask for a meeting time slot. You can also share your meeting link and ask them to book a meeting directly in your calendar at their convenience.

Sounds super simple, right? That's because it is! Ourly, the best meeting scheduler for Gmail, lets you book meetings directly and easily, eliminating all the typical hassles.

Ourly simplifies your scheduling process, saving you the time and energy spent on booking meetings. So why not give it a try and see how Ourly can make scheduling meetings easy? Sign up for Ourly today!

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